Hi Brice, I believe you are correct in that base movement control has been reinvented several times over in ROS. We wrote our own a while back, but there are probably other quality movement controllers across the ROS space: http://www.ros.org/wiki/teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard was based on the old playerjoy utility from Player, which includes a stop command and has limited handling of key press/release events. We often use teleop_twist_keyboard for the Create, AR.Drone, and PR2 (as in the following video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-9sDNnGtIs I think your post is great reminder that the ROS community could benefit from a clearer organization of packages, messages, and functionality in ROS. Such a clear organization does not seem likely to happen organically without some guidance from the ROS leadership. -Chad