ros-users! Submit your best research video! This is the Oscars for AI research videos, with trophies and a big ceremony. Let's show the AAAI people how much fun robotics is, and how robotics research will change the world. --------------------------------- AAAI-11 Video Competition --------------------------------- AAAI is pleased to announce the AAAI-11 AI Video Competition. The goal of this competition is to show the world how much fun AI is by documenting exciting artificial intelligence advances in research, education, and application. The rules are simple: Compose a short video about an exciting AI project, and narrate it so that it is accessible to a broad online audience. Accepted videos will be screened in the AAAI-11 registration area during 7-11 August 2011. During that evening's session, the developers of the best videos will be formally presented with awards. We strongly encourage student participation. So: go ahead and make a cool online video about your AI project, and get a ton of attention! Video format: Either 1 minute (max) "short video" or 5 minutes (max) "long video", with narration in English (or English subtitles). Consider combining screen shots, interviews, and video of a system in action. Make the video self contained, so that newcomers to AI can understand and learn from it. We encourage a good sense of humor, though we will only accept submissions with serious AI content. Your video might cover contemporary research, or document seminal AI research in the past. Creativity is encouraged! Submission deadline: 17 June 2011 The complete Call for Video Submissions, including review criteria, and submission instructions, is available at Questions welcome; we look forward to your participation in this exciting event! Co-Chairs: Arnav Jhala (jhala at and David W. Aha (david.aha at