We recently added a rosdoc.yaml file to the openrave_robot_control package that looks something like: - builder: rosmake - builder: sphinx name: roslaunch scripts But since we added the documentation file, the wiki has stopped getting updated. we're not sure how to debug the problem since we don't know what frequency ros.org is updated and what the errors are... can anyone help with this? Also, we recently added auto documentation of launch files, which requires we put a tag in the launch files themselves. http://www.ros.org/doc/api/jsk_tools/html/ We have documented a problem we're having with this here, but there are still no responses after a week. I'm not sure if answers.ros.org was the wrong place to post it or not.. http://answers.ros.org/question/988/adding-extra-tags-in-xml-launch-files thanks, rosen,