Hello, I'm unable to get simple carrot planner code , for motion planning, up and running. The problem I'm trying to write code for is: to use carrot planner to move the  erratic gazebo robot from a start point to end point. Here are the problems I am facing: (1) I doubt if my design is correct, or if there's a simpler way to solve the above problem. Currently, I start erratic_wg.launch within simulator_gazebo. Next, I have a tf::listener instance running in a separate program, excerpts from which are given below. The listener uses the carrot planner while transforming from base_link to map: === void transformPoint(const tf::TransformListener& listener) {          geometry_msgs::PointStamped laser_point;          laser_point.header.frame_id = "base_link";               ...             tf::TransformListener mytf(ros::Duration(10));          costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap("my_costmap", mytf);          carrot_planner::CarrotPlanner cp  ;          cp.initialize("my_carrot_planner", &costmap);          try          {                  geometry_msgs::PointStamped base_point;                  listener.transformPoint("map", laser_point, base_point);                  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped start  ;                 start.pose.position.x = 0 , start.pose.position.y = 0, start.pose.position.z = 0;                 geometry_msgs::PoseStamped end;                 end.pose.position.x = 5 , end.pose.position.y = 5, end.pose.position.z = 0;                 std::vector plan;                 cp.makePlan(start, end, plan);                 // SHould I send a cmd_vel message now for each step of the plan?         } } === (2) When my costmap is initialized as above, the listener code segfaults. I have traced this to the constructor of Costmap2DPublisher called within Costmap2DROS constructor, but haven't gone deeper than this.  I am using ros version  1.2.4 and the older version of the navigation stack (i.e. which contained nav_view). I am not sure how to specify the navigation stack version more precisely (i.e. repo revision, etc.). Also, the latest navigation stack doesn't build , as pcl_ros doesn't compile on my ros. So I stuck with a previous version I had downloaded around Nov. 2010. I can provide further details if necessary. Thanks PKG