It's a simple addition, but I'm wondering if it is redundant with the URL. i.e. while there is a general URL for the LGPL license, there is a specific URL for the 3.0 license: It seems that the versioned URL should be preferred whenever possible. A REP on license strings would be a great contribution. If you're curious, I've included a list of known license strings according to rosdoc. - Ken ??? Apache 2.0 Apache License 2.0 Apache License 2.0/BSD Apache License, Version 2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 (contaminated) BSD BSD (learning) and Boost/research-only (inference BSD (new) BSD (non-commercial use) BSD, Boost BSD, Boost Software License (Poco) BSD, Creative Commons BSD, GPL, LGPL BSD, LGPL BSD, LGPL, GPL for sigblock BSD, NOSA BSD, Python License BSD, based on vicon_mocap from the starmac stacks BSD, except for source files individually marked otherwise BSD, APACHE 2.0 BSD, GPL BSD-style BSD/GPL Boost Software LicenseVersion 1.0 CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CeCILL-B (BSD-like) CeCiLL Closed source Commercial Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) Creative Commons 3.0 by Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CreativeCommons BY-NC-SA License1 CreativeCommons-by-nc-sa-2.0 Enea Scioni GNU GNU LGPL 2.1 GPL26 GPL + runtime exception GPL because of list.h; other files released under BSD GPL v2 GPL v2 or later GPL v2 with linking exception GPL+linking exception GPL+runtime exception GPLv2+ GPLv3 GPLv3+ LGPL LGPL (contaminated) LGPL - BSD LGPL v2 LGPL v2.1 or later LGPL,BSD LGPL,Boost Software License LGPL/BSD LGPLv2.1 / BSD LGPLv3 Lesser GPL and Apache License, Version 2.0 MIT MIT License, refer to dom.txt in the "others" folder. Many Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 No Clue Proprietary Public Domain Public domain QPL The Apache License 2.0 Unknown1 Various WhoCares ZLib babel binary only cffi free for non-commercial use proprietary trivial-features unknown wxWindows On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Bill Morris wrote: > This probably isn't a priority for anyone but, I'd like to propose that > the license tag have a version attribute > > > version="3.0">LGPL > > It may also be worth including in a REP somewhere examples of common > values so we don't end up with every possible permutation of "lesser > GPL", "lgpl", "LGPL", "LGPLv3", etc. > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >