Hi Gil, I've ended up making my own arm controller that acts like the pr2_etherCAT controller (similar to the way Gazebo does), so that I can simply use the pre-compiled joint_tracjtory_action in robot_mechanism_controllers and I get commanded efforts out on my end. So, now I'm at the point where I need to figure out the easiest way to get move_arm up and running and sending joint tracjectories to my controller. Rather than piece this all together myself (the documentation for arm_navigation stack seems to jump to pr2_arm_navigation, which gets confusing, similarly I don't know which of the various planners are deprecated), I would love too simply point myself and my intern at your tool chain documentation. Is this something you see being testable by us in the near future? I realize that you guys are working hard, I'm just trying to get an ETA so we know if we should wait a few days or start trying to sift through the documentation, which deals a lot with messages and packages I think might not be part of the process you want to use in e-turtle. Thanks for the help, Patrick