Dear PHP Developer, We would like to inform you about the latest PhpED 6.0 release from our strategic partner NuSphere, Inc. As a business owner and a manager of your technical team for web development, you will definitely benefit from it. If you are not the right person, please forward this note to someone who is responsible for a web development project in your organization. Here is our proposal: Use this coupon code: ALL-OTH-30-O-19020 to get a 30% discount on every PhpED related product in Nusphere's store! Follow this link:, and enter the coupon code during the checkout. In response to all marketing surveys that we ran, the top reasons listed for purchase decision on PhpED have always included PHP Debugger ( and the speed of the Editor. The recent release of PhpED 6.0 includes JavaScript code completion and other new features - to view, please click on the following link: Best Regards, The NuSphere Team at P.S. Please reply with "unsubscribe" in your subject line if you are not interested to receive another communications from us.