Dejan, On 07/09/2011 11:04 PM, Dejan Pangercic wrote: > Ivan, > when you say without success, could you please elaborate a bit more > what exactly went wrong? > Also would you mind sharing your changes to the CMake file with us? I can fill this in. Installing and working with PCL standalone, means that you use it as you would use any other system library, like Boost. We provide a proper standard cmake FindPCL/PCLConfig set of files, which means that you can simply use things like: {{{ find_package(PCL 1.0 REQUIRED) include_directories(${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS}) add_definitions(${PCL_DEFINITIONS}) add_executable (FOO FOO.cpp) target_link_libraries (FOO ${PCL_LIBRARIES}) }}} Again, all of these things are _very_ well documented on our web pages. ;) Whenever you mix and match different libraries (PCL from ROS with PCL standalone), you're guaranteed to run into issues, hence Ivan's e-mail about the segfault, and my reply about trying his code first with PCL standalone, to see if we have a bug in PCL, or whether it's a "mix-up" issue. Cheers, Radu.