hi everybody, Back when ros-users@ was a high-traffic list, we created ros-developers@ and ros-review@ as more targeted lower-traffic forums. That organization had the unintended consequence of leaving a lot of people out of design and review discussions where they might have had useful input. Now, with the success of answers.ros.org in taking over most users questions, especially the trouble-shooting kind, we have three low-traffic lists. So we're collapsing them into one: ros-users@. We expect ros-users@ to continue to be low-traffic; no need to worry about an imminent flood of email on this list. Please continue to post trouble-shooting questions at answers.ros.org. I've just done the following: (1) removed everyone from ros-review@ and ros-developers@ (2) added to ros-users@ everyone who was on ros-review@ and/or ros-developers@ and not already on ros-users@ On (2), if you prefer not to be on ros-users@, feel free to unsubscribe, and let me know if you need help with that. I took the unusual liberty of subscribing people to make sure that nobody is inadvertently left out. For the sake of links in archived messages, mail sent to ros-review@ and ros-developers@ will forward to ros-users@ (but it's better to post to ros-users@ directly). Apologies for any confusion caused by recent subscription-related email that you received. brian. p.s. For the curious, here are some numbers: # subscribers before the change: ros-users@: 1116 ros-developer@: 112 ros-review@: 48 # people added to ros-users@ today: 29