hi, Just in the past week, I've heard several independent requests for "best practices" for ROS. Must be something in the air. Here's a new wiki page for linking to known best practices, and for posting requests for new best practices to be described: http://www.ros.org/wiki/BestPractices Excerpt: --- ROS was designed to be maximally flexible, starting with the mantra, "we don't wrap your main()." This flexibility has surely contributed to the growth of the user and developer community, allowing ROS to be used on a wide variety of platforms, in myriad ways. But, with a few years under our collective belt, the community has matured to a point where "best practices" are in demand. We're not talking about standards, but rather statements of how best to achieve common tasks with ROS. Best practices are advice to developers on how to design, build, and configure ROS systems, with the goal of improving efficiency, interoperability, and shared understanding of those systems. --- Please help out by requesting or providing advice! brian.