hi, Thanks to Stefan Schaal, who gave me a hard time last month for ROS having mediocre OS X support, especially given that I carry a MBPro, I can report on some progress. Wim and I started bringing up devel_electric builds of stacks on OS X. The dashboard is here: http://build.willowgarage.com/view/os-x/ The stacks that we're currently building (or trying to build) are listed below. More stacks are being added all the time, so check the dashboard above to see current status. These builds are testing the Electric development branch of each stack (often, but not always, trunk/default) against the Electric released versions of the stacks it depends on. The machine the builds are running on is 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) and was bootstrapped according to the standard install instructions (http://www.ros.org/wiki/electric/Installation/OSX). I did *not* follow wjwwood's suggestion to configure MacPorts as strictly 32-bit (https://github.com/wjwwood/ros-osx/wiki). As a result, I expect that we'll have trouble with anything using wx (e.g., rviz). In the future, we'll probably bring up a OS X 10.7 (Lion) machine, which reportedly will resolve these issues. In the meantime, we can make progress on building all the non-wx stuff. The goal of these builds is to keep track of what works, and to prevent regressions. A stack "works" when you can successfully `rosmake --rosdep-install -t `, which means that all system dependencies are correctly resolved, and everything builds and tests. How you can help: * If you're working on OS X, suggest stacks that you know to build that should be added to the list. * A lot of the work is in resolving system dependencies, in particular for things aren't available from MacPorts. In those cases, we need "source rosdep" definitions. Have a look at https://kforge.ros.org/rosrelease/viewvc/sourcedeps/ for examples. * If you get email from Hudson about an OS X failure, please have a look at it. If you can't figure out what went wrong, forward it to me and we can dig into it together. brian. assimp bond_core bullet common_msgs common_rosdeps diagnostics driver_common eigen executive_smach filters geometry image_common nodelet_core orocos_kinematics_dynamics physics_ode pluginlib robot_model_tutorials ros_comm ros ros_tutorials rx xacro