Nice initiative ! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Johannes Pellenz Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 7:24 PM Subject: [robocup-rescue-v] Call for participation: Standard Robotic Software Architecture for RoboCup Rescue based on ROS To: robocup-rescue-v Standard Robotic Software Architecture for RoboCup Rescue based on ROS  - One Week Developing and Tutorial Workshop - When: 12 - 16 September 2011 Where: at University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany Website: Tutor: Troy Straszheim (maintainer of roscpp and rosbuild at Willow Garage) RoboCup Rescue wants to foster the research on robots that can be used in unstructured environments after natural or man-made disasters. To build such systems from scratch is very difficult, and also reusing great solutions from other teams is hard due to different frameworks used among the teams in the league. To speed up the overall development, we want to provide an open source standard software solution for new (and also for experienced) teams in RoboCup Rescue. This framework will enable the teams to adopt quickly to world class level, and to make good solutions reusable. The common framework will enable the teams to focus on one certain aspect, and to share their solutions with the community easily. During the five days workshop we want to design, implement and test the common RoboCup Rescue software framework based on ROS. We will also provide a tutorial session for students that did not use ROS before. In a parallel track, we will specify the requirements for the RoboCup Rescue software framework, pick and assemble the appropriate modules (packages and stacks) from ROS (for both the robots and the operator station) and set up a simulation environment. At the end of the week, both tracks merge and test the newly created framework, both in the simulation and on real robots. The tentative schedule will be posted on the website: -> Shedule Registration deadline is Friday, 12 August 2011. See: -> Application The workshop is sponsored by the RoboCup Federation and supported by Willow Garage and the University of Koblenz-Landau. Tutor:  Troy Straszheim, Willow Garage Workshop Organizers:  Johannes Pellenz, Exec RoboCup Rescue  Dagmar Lang, University of Koblenz-Landau  Viktor Seib, University of Koblenz-Landau  Karen Petersen, TU Darmstadt  Stefan Kohlbrecher, TU Darmstadt  Michael Hofbaur, TC member RoboCup Rescue  Gerald Steinbauer, Exec Middle-Size League  Jackrit Suthakorn, Exec RoboCup Rescue  Adam Jacoff, RoboCup Trustee See you in Koblenz! Johannes Pellenz  on behalf of the workshop organizers _______________________________________________ robocup-rescue-v mailing list -- Serge Stinckwich UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk