On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Brian Gerkey wrote: > hi, > > Thanks to Stefan Schaal, who gave me a hard time last month for ROS > having mediocre OS X support, especially given that I carry a MBPro, I > can report on some progress. Thank you Stefan&Brian for this effort ! > Wim and I started bringing up devel_electric builds of stacks on OS X. >  The dashboard is here: >  http://build.willowgarage.com/view/os-x/ > The stacks that we're currently building (or trying to build) are > listed below.  More stacks are being added all the time, so check the > dashboard above to see current status. > > These builds are testing the Electric development branch of each stack > (often, but not always, trunk/default) against the Electric released > versions of the stacks it depends on.  The machine the builds are > running on is 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) and was bootstrapped according to > the standard install instructions > (http://www.ros.org/wiki/electric/Installation/OSX). > > I did *not* follow wjwwood's suggestion to configure MacPorts as > strictly 32-bit (https://github.com/wjwwood/ros-osx/wiki).  As a > result, I expect that we'll have trouble with anything using wx (e.g., > rviz).  In the future, we'll probably bring up a OS X 10.7 (Lion) > machine, which reportedly will resolve these issues.  In the meantime, > we can make progress on building all the non-wx stuff. > > The goal of these builds is to keep track of what works, and to > prevent regressions.  A stack "works" when you can successfully > `rosmake --rosdep-install -t `, which means that all system > dependencies are correctly resolved, and everything builds and tests. > > How you can help: > * If you're working on OS X, suggest stacks that you know to build > that should be added to the list. > * A lot of the work is in resolving system dependencies, in particular > for things aren't available from MacPorts.  In those cases, we need > "source rosdep" definitions.  Have a look at > https://kforge.ros.org/rosrelease/viewvc/sourcedeps/ for examples. > * If you get email from Hudson about an OS X failure, please have a > look at it.  If you can't figure out what went wrong, forward it to me > and we can dig into it together. I think also that this is important to have continuous builds just to check where are the problems I was wondering recently if using pkgsrc instead of macports could be a better solution for distributing ROS on OS X. Pkgsrc is the NetBSD Packages Collection and there is an OS X version: http://www.netbsd.org/docs/software/packages.html What is cool is that they also provide binary packages for several platforms (not sure about OS X) and a quaterly stable release (not daily updates like with Macports). There is more than 10000 packages currently. Regards, -- Serge Stinckwich UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk http://doesnotunderstand.org/