I filed a ticket on this subject, but I imagine that it might warrant discussion on the list here as well. Below I've included the text from the ticket with a few edits: ROS and OpenCV use a convention that append bits-per-channel (BPC) which is in contrast with the bits-per-pixel (BPP) convention which AFAIK is the much more common standard. (quick source: googling +"rgb8", vs +"rgb/8", vs +"rgb24") While bits-per-channel is used in the wild as well in some cases, it's virtually always with a '/' to differentiate that the appended number refers to per-channel rather than per-pixel, which of course would not make for a valid symbol name for our purposes. The difference from the BPP convention is bit of a problem for two reasons in that 1)the competing BPP convention has namespace collisions which could cause significant confusion for things like RGB8 (RGB 3:3:2 vs RGB 8:8:8) and 2) in general with BPC it is difficult/impossible to represent non-homogeneous channel formats like RGB 3:3:2 or RGB 5:5:6 (RGB16BPP). To bring this out of the hypothetical, I actually have been using a camera which puts out RGB 5:5:6, and have to convert it to RGB 8:8:8 for use with ROS via sensor_msgs::Image. Since if this naming convention were changed the namespace collision would create compilable code that had different semantics (in the case of RGB8), I don't imagine this can be easily addressed, and so I expect it will be closed as a "WONTFIX". However since I didn't see anyone bring this up in the quick search I did, I figure it's worth reporting so that the decision could be recorded for posterity. In case it does look like something that would be a desirable fix for some future version I might suggest a third convention to avoid the namespace collision semantic change problem: Using the X:X:X convention as CCC_X_X_X such that: ...neither RGB 3:3:2 nor RGB 8:8:8 would be RGB8 but rather RGB_3_3_2 and RGB_8_8_8. I didn't think to suggest in the bug report the possibility of differentiating with RGB8_BPC or RGB8_BPP, though that might be an improvement that would be viable as well, though not as versatile as CCC_X_X_X. Any thoughts? Andy