One of the benefits of having released stacks is that it lets our indexer associated your code with particular ROS releases. We've now upgraded our indexer to start producing version-appropriate documentation for Code API (e.g. doxygen, epydoc, sphinx) resources. We hope that this will make it easier for users to find relevant documentation, as well as easier for authors to manage documentation across multiple versions. Due to infrastructure issues, we only support Diamondback and later releases. If you go to the wiki page for a released package, you will see updated links under "Code API" and "Msg/Srv API" in the right-hand navigation bar. Examples: Feedback is welcome. We are also looking for doxygen experts out there for assistance in making our doxygen template prettier. If you would like to lend a hand, please drop me a line. NOTE: this new documentation is produced from the debian packages associated with a stack release. -- your friendly neighborhood ROS Indexers