On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > One of the benefits of having released stacks is that it lets our > indexer associated your code with particular ROS releases.  We've now > upgraded our indexer to start producing version-appropriate > documentation for Code API (e.g. doxygen, epydoc, sphinx) resources. > We hope that this will make it easier for users to find relevant > documentation, as well as easier for authors to manage documentation > across multiple versions.  Due to infrastructure issues, we only > support Diamondback and later releases. > > If you go to the wiki page for a released package, you will see > updated links under "Code API" and "Msg/Srv API" in the right-hand > navigation bar. > > Examples: > > http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf > http://www.ros.org/wiki/sensor_msgs > > Feedback is welcome. I wanted something like this recently. Glad to see it. Maintaining multiple API versions using doxygen can be awkward. --  joq