Hi, I've been getting to grips with ROSjava but I'm aware that the mechanism of importing messages has changed recently. The ROS wiki says: "Unlike rocpp, rospy, and roslisp, generated ROS messages are not located within their package. They are located within the local .ros preferences folder in ./ros/rosjava/lib " and "To import a specific message, you must first declare a dependency on that message's package in your manifest. This will make sure that the message's jar file is added to your java class path." But my .ros/rosjava/lib directory only contains a handful of message JARs (rosgraph_msgs, std_msgs, etc.) and none of the non-standard ones (e.g. nav_msgs, geometry_msgs). 1). How do I obtain / compile the remaining message types, e.g. nav_msgs, so they can be added to my ROSjava code? 2). Does this now mean that I *have* to use rosmake (including making required changes to the manifest file, etc) on my Java code? Previously I was quite happy editing code, compiling it using javac, and running it using "rosrun rosjava ." on the command line. Many thanks, Mark -- Mark Rowan  |  http://www.tamias.co.uk