On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Ibrahim Awwal wrote: > Hi ROS users, > > We're considering/planning on switching to git/github for the Berkeley > ROS package. What are the conventions on structure and such that people > are using? With svn we have a url like this > http://ros.berkeley.edu/svn/berkeley-ros-pkg/ with all our stuff, with > git would it be preferrable to have one repo called berkeley-ros-pkg or > separate repos for each stack and maybe link them together with > submodules? What are other people doing that are using git? It seems > like at least TUM is using separate repos per project on their git repo > (which seems to be the much more sane route) but I was wondering if > there was any requirement to have something called foo-ros-pkg > somewhere. Thanks, There is a Q&A on ROS answers about git: http://answers.ros.org/question/1278/can-a-single-git-repository-release-multiple-ros Briefly, the answer was "one stack per git repo". I don't know about any requirement for a foo-ros-pkg repo. --  joq