Here's a different take on a similar idea. It would be great to combine into one tool as I think they are coming from the same motivation of "gimme the code". To summarize: # checkout all entries in foo.rosinstall to this directory rosco foo.rosinstall # lookup snippet for eigen and check it out roslocate info eigen --distro=unstable | rosco script here: The main distinction is my version takes in a rosinstall fragment either as a filename or piped output. The piped output may not be as straightforward as yours for people to grok. The main upgrade that yours would need is to deal with branches/tags properly. Many of the git/hg URIs require a specific branch. Also, you often need to distinguish between the released version of a package vs. the development branch. cheers, Ken On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Ibrahim Awwal wrote: > ... Because life's too short to spend time copying URLs off of wiki > pages... > > So, in a bout of severe laziness I wrote a tiny bash script to automatically > checkout a package/stack that's listed on I affectionately call it > rosco, short for ros checkout. You can grab it here: > . If someone like this already exists, I > will feel slightly foolish, but it took me a handful of minutes to write so > it's already saved me enough time to have been worth writing. It's pretty > simple, stick it somewhere in your path (probably want to rename it to rosco > and make it executable for ease of use) and then just give it the name of > the package or stack you want to install. For example, all you need to do to > check out the 3d_navigation stack (can't wait until it works btw!) is type > `rosco 3d_navigation`, and it will look up the repository information > automatically and check it out. Currently supports svn, git, and hg, because > those were the three that I noticed, haven't really found any exhaustive > list of VCS software that's used in ROS packages though, mainly due to lack > of trying (although I guess I could probably script that too). Depends on > roslocate being on your PATH (which I guess comes as part of rosinstall). > Happy coding! > > -- > -Ibrahim Awwal > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >