Hi I am trying to set an arduino node. Here is the short version of the story. I defined a custom message ("lowlevel/Arduino") and generated the appropriate header using the script for that. The arduino code compiles alright. However, I am having a problem on the python_node side: it cannot load my package 'lowlevel': [ERROR] [WallTime: 1314328569.317936] Cannot import package : lowlevel [ERROR] [WallTime: 1314328569.318390] Failed to parse subscriber. However, if I run the following commands in ipython, it seems to work: In [1]: import roslib; roslib.load_manifest("rosserial_python") In [2]: import rospy In [3]: roslib.load_manifest('lowlevel') In [4]: m=__import__('lowlevel.msg') In [5]: m.msg.Arduino Out[5]: What am I doing wrong? Brice