hi, The dynamic_reconfigure package (http://www.ros.org/wiki/dynamic_reconfigure) has become an essential part of many ROS systems. It allows you to do great things via on-the-fly configuration of parameters, and is widely used in drivers and perception systems, and was recently added to the navigation stack. But dynamic_reconfigure is currently orphaned. The original author moved on to other things, and while various people have pitched in with tweaks here and there, we really need somebody to take ownership of this important library. Ownership would mean at least applying patches and overseeing releases, but could of course include doing new development. Any volunteers to take on the maintainer role for dynamic_reconfigure? Maybe you use dynamic_reconfigure a lot and have ideas for where to take it in the future? And while you'd primarily be motivated by the sense of accomplishment and inner peace that comes from contributing, we'll also send you cool ROS schwag... brian.