Hi, I just wanted to point out a crowd-funding campaign by one of SBCL's main developers. SBCL is the default Common Lisp implementation used for roslisp. The campaign aims to mainly improve threading support, especially on OS X where it is kind of broken at the moment. For details on why there is this campaign and what exactly is funded, check the Indie GoGo site: http://www.indiegogo.com/SBCL-Threading-Improvements-1 There are already many contributions, but maybe there are roslisp users out there that haven't heard about the campaign yet and would like to chip in a little bit as well. Also I think Willow Garage wants to improve OS X support for ROS. I'm aware that roslisp is maybe not the biggest priority, but still having decent threading support for roslisp on OS X would be very valuable for those who do use it. I don't know what their policy on these kind of things is but perhaps they can even give a little bit of support as a company. Best regards and happy hacking, Niko Demmel