On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > Hi everyone, > > We're trying a new way of planning our next ROS Distribution, ROS > Fuerte, in order to make it easier for people to get involved and also > handle the breadth of areas that ROS-related software deals with. > > If you go to: > > http://www.ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Planning > > You will see an editable list of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). > Below each SIG is a brief description as well as a signup list.  We > have seeded the list so that people have some examples to go by. A question of scope: is "Make OS X a real platform" a subset of the "target platforms" SIG, or should there be a separate MakeItWorkOnTheSteveJobsMayHeRetireInPeaceOperatingSystemSIG? I see that the Fuerte planning document says, roughly, "We dunno yet", which didn't clear it up. --M -- Julian "Mac" Mason      mac@cs.duke.edu      www.cs.duke.edu/~mac