Dear ROS Users, With tomorrow as the close date for ROS Fuerte Planning SIGs, I'd like to announce two projects related to significant increases in performance for robot control and simulation. They are now posted on the SIG sign-up and we would like to gauge your interest in collaborating on these features. I'll separate this into two emails since they are distinct SIGs. SIG 2.15: Efficient Inter-Process Communication (IPC) ----------------------------------------------------- Currently, ROS solves real-time performance by running a single process. However, for system modularity of complex robots such as PR2 and humanoids it is desirbale to run multiple processes that represent hardware drivers, control systems, vision processing, planners and other algorithms. It is challenging to create such IPC in an efficient and robust way. The Humanoid Robotics Lab at GT has developed Ach which maintains data history, eliminates HOL Blocking problems is efficient, robust, and formally verified. This was originally motivated by achieving 1khz control for a humanoid robot, however it is written generally and should be applicable to real-time control systems as well as improving the efficiency of perception frameworks such as Ecto by assisting with zero/low-copy functionalty. The goal of this SIG is to explore Ach among other solutions to ROS shared memory transport and broaden their usage for tasks that require efficient/robust communication. Ach is BSD and will appear as a ROS node shotly. It has run reliably on a variety of robots for years and has been used together with other ROS toos such as OpenCV / RViz / PCL running in the same process. Further topics of discussion in the SIG would include tighter integration between IPC and ROS, perhaps even implementing Ach as a ROS transport. Likewise, using the IPC to help mitigate latency in networked and wireless communications. If you are interested, please shoot us an email (, and sign up for SIG 2.15 at ------------------------------------------------------ For more information on Ach, visit It contains BSD source code and example code to run it, as well as developer dox and a tech report explaining the software and the choices made so far during development. Best, Mike --------------------------------- Mike Stilman Assistant Professor Director: Humanoid Robotics Lab Robotics and Intelligent Machines Georgia Institute of Technology --------------------------------- email: cell: (650)283-4284