On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > The follow-up process is also very simple: > >  1. Each SIG designates a SIG Coordinator.  If an SIG cannot agree on > a coordinator, one will be chosen for you. >  2. The coordinator will organize planning meeting(s) for the SIG. > This can be over IRC, video chat, at IROS, or whatever medium bests > fits the composition of your SIG. The deadline for these meetings is > September 28th. >  3. Each SIG group will post their planning notes as a sub-page of > http://ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Planning/.  The deadline for > posting these notes is September 30th.  SIGs can have followup > meetings, but this initial deadline is to ensure that the SIG is > activated. > > The plans are just that -- plans.  It is up to the members of each SIG > to achieve as much of that plan as possible in time for the freeze > dates of ROS Fuerte (remember, there's always Groovy Galapagos). To guide the SIG deliberations, what freeze dates are anticipated for Fuerte? That should help the groups come up with realistic estimates of what should be done for this release. --  joq