On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > The "Thirdparty library normalization and Target Platforms" SIG [1] > has met and come up with the proposed update for REP 3, Target > Platforms.  REP 3 defines which Ubuntu distribution releases we will > target, as well as sets the low-water mark for major system library > compatibility (e.g. Python, Boost).   The high-level summary of our > discussion is that Groovy, rather than Fuerte, will be the major > transitional release, and that we are proposing to drop both Maverick > and Natty support for Fuerte.  Lucid will still be supported as it is > the latest LTS. +1 I see the advantage of dropping Natty, although one could easily argue for continuing it since Ubuntu will still support it in that time frame. It's better for most people, perhaps inconvenient for a few. --  joq