Some of our stacks have git submodules, because each package is in a separate git repository. For the ros release script, it clones a git repository 3 times, with a recursive clone of the submodules. The first time to create the release package and the two other times to tag and to branch. However, for tagging and branching, the submodules are not needed at all, since this only involves the parent git repository. A lot of time (15 minutes waiting) is wasted during the release process because of this step. I wonder if the release scripts could be modified such that the VCS module gets an extra option 'aim' which contains one of "package"/"tag"/"branch". The git vcs module could use this information to decide if a recursive checkout is needed or not. Another question which rises is why on earth 3 checkouts are done, and why it doesn't work on a single checkout of the sources. Peter