Hi Ken, we are using rospkg for ROS GUI. There was only one thing which was inconvenient to use. We had to manually replace "${prefix}" from the plugin-attribute of an export tag. See the following code snippet: plugins = [] r = rospkg.RosPack() for package_name in r.list(): manifest = r.get_manifest(package_name) package_path = r.get_path(package_name) exports = manifest.get_export(self.export_tag_, 'plugin') for export in exports: xml_file_name = str(export) => xml_file_name = xml_file_name.replace('${prefix}', package_path) plugins.append([package_name, xml_file_name]) Would it be possible to hide this from the user and perform the replacement transparently (if desired in all cases)? A minor cosmetic issue is the printing of "READ_CACHE manifest.xml" in rospkg/rospack.py:188. I guest this output will be removed in the next release? Dirk