On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Steven Bellens wrote: > with the orocos_toolchain recently released for ROS electric, we'd > like to generate a meta package for it as well. The stack is currently > split up in 5 different stacks, and we want users to be able to > install them all with one package. How do we generate such a meta > package and release it? > > Do we just create an additional stack, with no code in it, depending > on all 5 stacks? Or is there another way? You can do that or else define a REP 108 "variant": http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0108.html There are sometimes good reasons to retain an empty meta-stack: * It can serve as a documentation node to collect data on the whole set of stacks and packages. * In cases where an existing stack was divided into smaller ones, the meta-stack provides a consistent interface on which other stacks can depend. --  joq