On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > Thanks to all who provided comments on the rospkg API.  Now that the comment > deadline has passed, I have added a summary to the review page of > proposed/adopted changes: > > http://www.ros.org/wiki/rospkg/Reviews/2011-09%20rospkg#Meeting_agenda > > I don't think it will be necessary to hold a formal meeting given that the > changes are fairly simple. > > Most of the changes are minor or additions of missing APIs.   The main, > breaking change being proposed is: > > rospkg.RosPack(ros_root='foo', ros_package_path='path1:path2') > > to > > rospkg.RosPack(path=['foo', 'path1:path2']) > > As well a similar changes to remove explicit knowledge of ROS_ROOT and > ROS_PACKAGE_PATH from the RosPack/RosStack APIs.  The motivation for this > change is forwards compatibility and versatility (see below). > > This change was proposed by Tully and I'm inclined to accept it barring any > objections (which you may not in the normal "+1", "-1" style). +1 --  joq