On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Maxim Taschew wrote: > Uhh wow. Obviously i couldn’t  see the forest for the trees. > > Sorry for that useless post… It was a reasonable question, and I wish we had a better answer. There was some e-mail discussion within the Drivers SIG. You are welcome to join that SIG and post your own ideas. You may be able to help us understand better how to make the task of writing a new camera driver easier. https://code.ros.org/lurker/message/20110922.182538.61b4a3a5.en.html#ros-sig-drivers I suspect a tutorial would help, but that would be a lot of work to get right and keep up-to-date. Using existing drivers as examples is probably more robust over time. Perhaps their sources should be made clearer and better-commented. I welcome patches or suggestions for making camera1394 easier to read and understand. --  joq