hi, With the recent disk crash and then blackout at Willow, we've all experienced the pain of not being able to access the wiki. Hopefully it'll be a while before the next outage, but it will surely come, for one reason or another. So, two requests for help: (1) It would be nice to have another couple of mirrors of the wiki. Felix Endres maintains one at Freiburg (http://ros.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/roswiki/), and he documented his process for setting it up (http://answers.ros.org/question/977/create-a-rosorg-wiki-mirror). Any volunteers for hosting more mirrors? Two in North America (east coast and west coast), and one in Asia ought to do it. (2) The wiki export system is primitive, to say the least. This ticket describes some important missing features, and includes the script that we're using to do the export: https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/3281. Any volunteers to work on improving the export system? E.g., we might be able to use Moin's own synchronization system (I wasn't able to make it work, but I'm sure that somebody can). And there's probably a way to dump the whole thing into a PDF, which some people might prefer for offline viewing. thanks, brian.