Yes, it is listed as a ticket here: with a patch. And given it is 8 weeks old, a released patch will surely be done soon. On 11/20/2011 06:25 PM, Kevin Walchko wrote: > Oh, I noticed I also get this error too. I just hit (s)kip and move on ... I assume it is some git shenanigans. > > Installing orocos_kinematics_dynamics-0.2.3 to /usr/local/electric/orocos_kinematics_dynamics > No output of get branch.rosinstall_tagged_branch.merge > The version orocos_kinematics_dynamics-0.2.3 of repo requested to be checked out into /usr/local/electric/orocos_kinematics_dynamics is not the current branch or commit and cannot be blindly updated in place. (d)elete, (a)bort, (b)ackup, (s)kip: >