Hi, I have some strange problems when using the openni_node Kinect driver. My setup is the following: 1. roscore runs on PC1 2. rosrun openni_camera openni_node on PC2 3. rosrun rviz rviz on PC2 I use electric on Ubuntu 11.04. If I run step 2 for the first time, I get data from the Kinect and can visualize it in RViz. But if I kill the openni_node and start it again, no data arrives at RViz. Sometimes it helps to unsuscribe and re-subscribe to one of the topics (e.g. by unchecking and checking the RViz plugin) but not all the time. I tested with the rgb/points and the rgb/image_raw topic. Same behaviour for both. Surprisingly, everything works fine if I start the roscore on PC2. Then I can kill and restart the openni_node repeatedly and data is shown in RViz all the time. I do not get any debug output but if I set the parameter /depth_registration to false before each restart, the message [ WARN] [1322051655.230485239]: turning on depth registration, since PointCloudXYZRGB has subscribers. is shown in the second case but not in the first case. Best regards, Georg -- -------------------------------------------- Dipl.-Ing. Georg Arbeiter, Fraunhofer IPA Robotersysteme Nobelstrasse 12, 70569 Stuttgart Telefon 0711-970-1299, Fax 0711-970-1008 mailto:georg.arbeiter@ipa.fraunhofer.de http://www.ipa.fraunhofer.de/