Hello, After a lot of hardwork Gazebo 1.0.0-RC1 is now available for download from: http://gazebosim.org Significant changes have been made to Gazebo to improve performance, stability, and user interaction. This has lead to a new simulation description file format, new plugin architecture, and new communication mechanism. Over the course of this month Gazebo 1.0.0 will be hardened with the expected official release in early January. The new architecture is described here: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/architecture A brief change list is here: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/change_list For those of you using ROS, check out ros-unstable to get the latest gazebo plugins. The Player interfaces will be updated this month. We are always looking for contributions, suggestions, and community generated content whenever possible. If you would like to get involved, check out the support page (http://gazebosim.org/support.html). Important Changes: ---------------------------- * Gazebo is now supported by Willow Garage, and has transitioned from Sourceforge to an independent site. http://gazebosim.org * Code is hosted on kforge.ros.org: https://kforge.ros.org/project/gazebo/ * The playerstage-gazebo trac is now replaced by: https://kforge.ros.org/gazebo/trac * The playerstage-gazebo mailing list will remain active, but I highly encourage users to use the new mailing list https://kforge.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/gazebo-list * Downloads are available here: http://gazebosim.org/downloads.html -Gazebo Dev Team