hy! my first question/problem... i'm trying to install rviz on a debian squeeze ... as a dependence i need assimp root@pegoti:/opt# rosdep install assimp *** ERROR: md5sum check on https://kforge.ros.org/rosrelease/viewvc/sourcedeps/assimp/assimp--2.0.863-sdk.tar failed. Expected 2ed0b9954bcb2572c0dade8f849b9260 got e8a0f55af2fe604efa9d0623422b3291 i've downloaded assimp--2.0.863-sdk.tar: jvr@pegoti:~$ md5sum assimp--2.0.863-sdk.tar e8a0f55af2fe604efa9d0623422b3291 assimp--2.0.863-sdk.tar if i tried to extract it directly: jvr@pegoti:~$ tar xvf assimp--2.0.863-sdk.tar *** tar: Skipping to next header tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors i've done the process several times... and i always get the same results, also the md5sum, not as in: https://code.ros.org/gf/project/ros/mailman/?_forum_action=ForumMessageBrowse&thread_id=72777&action=ListThreads&mailman_id=20 perhaps there is something wrong with this tar file? thanks for your time... and of course thanks for all your great work! jvr