Dear ROS users and roboticists, We (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH) are about to develop an open Visual-Inertial low-cost camera system for robotics. The goal is a standard piece of hardware that combines a monocular/stereo/multi camera and inertial sensors (an IMU) providing synchronized, calibrated data in ROS. Such a piece of hardware could allow the community to focus more on the development of novel algorithms and less on hardware and integration issues. Our hope is that this will motivate young PhD students and researchers around the world to make their VSLAM frameworks ROS compatible, ultimately leading to 'plug and play VSLAM for everyone'. The system will be based on the latest generation of XILINX FPGAs (Artix/Kintex-7 / Zynq, that's fixed) as well as a user programmable CPU and provide at least a GigE port. We target real-time, low-power processing, and the user should have access to raw data as well as pre-processed information such as features and flow fields etc. We would like to invite you to give us feedback an thereby influence the design of our system. We are extremely happy about any feedback you can provide, more general feedback is as welcome as technicalities such as: - Cameras (number, configuration, resolution, HDR, global shutter, lens type, etc.) - General specs such as weight, size, power consumption, etc. - Inertial sensor grade - Interface to the host, API, etc. - On-camera features (feature detection, dense optical flow, dense stereo, etc.) Many thanks and best regards, ETH - CVG ETH - ASL