Thanks Tully, it seems then that the thread I introduced is totally superfluous and should be removed. On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 4:02 AM, Jack O'Quin wrote: > More questions about the DiagnosticsUpdater: > >  * Where does the component name get set? I presume it should be "camera1394" There is two different names: 1. the hardware id, this one should match the camera id so that messages are not ambiguous if several cameras are connected. I set it to camera_name but I am not sure if this is right or not. 2. the diagnostic message, this one seems to be computed automatically when a TopicDiagnostic is used. This one is for the user so it just have to be clear and consistent between version so users do not have to change their robot_monitor configure file again and again. >  * Is the subcomponent automatically set to "Frequency Status"? >  * Is the status message automatically generated by FrequencyStatusParam()? Yes I think so. >  * What should we do for open() errors? updater_.broadcast allow to send a general error message for a component. It should be enough to do that. Regarding the tolerance in the diagnostic, I do not have any better strategy in mind. If you look at prosilica node that we should probably try to mimic: if you grep diagnostic you will see that the threshold is hardcoded to 10%. It is not that nice but providing the same level of feature than this node is IMHO a reasonable objective in a first time. Regarding the Format7 modes either we put a very low threshold (around 1fps) to make sure that the node is still grabbing something or we just disable the test. -- Thomas Moulard