On 08/02/12 12:43, Frederick.Pauling@csiro.au wrote: > The UTM-30LX-EW (http://www.autonomoustuff.com/hokuyo-utm-30lx-ew.html) > has multi-echo capability, but this requires the driver to implement the > new SCIP 2.2 protocol. Does anyone have a driver for this laser, or plans > to write one? It would seem logical to extend the hokuyo_node package > somehow. The HokuyoAIST library (http://gbiggs.github.com/hokuyoaist/) has had support for SCIP 2.2, including multi-echo support, for a year or so. It was tested on the UXM-30LX-EW, but as the protocol is the same, it should all work on the UTM-30LX-EW as well. See Sensor::set_multiecho_mode(). The library is currently being rewritten to use Boost ASIO. It's perfectly usable now, though; you just need to install an extra dependency. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a ROS node for it. Geoff