The following three REPs have been posted. I am posting them as a set as they all originate from changes introduced by REP 122. REP 122 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard layout changes for ROS REP 123 ROS_ETC_DIR, ROS_DISTRO environment variables and ROS_ROOT changes REP 124 Changes to roslaunch and rosrun for REP 122 and catkin build system Voting is separate for these REPs, though REP 123 and 124 are dependent on 122. Obviously, REP 122 is a bit interesting as the changes it proposes are already deployed in the ROS Fuerte alpha builds. While this is not desirable, it was a case where it was not possible to fully understand the breadth of the necessary changes without attempting to actually make the changes. The changes introduced by the REP were made critical by the need to undo messy integration with standalone libraries, like OpenCV and PCL, as well as layout the groundwork for future integration efforts with standalone libraries, like Octomap, OMPL, SBPL, and Gazebo. In our efforts to create the ROS Fuerte alpha builds, we've generally found minimal impact in pre-existing code related to the changes introduced above [1]. The heaviest impact has been within the ROS toolchain itself, e.g. with tools like rosinstall, which have more specific assumptions about the install layout. These tools are being updated to be compatible. Changes are possible for all of these REPs, though changes may have to go in ROS Groovy depending on their scope. There is also a yet-to-be-written REP (and implementation) for rosdep, which will make further improvements to the overall system integration. - Ken [1]: