Hi Kevin, I had a problem where libusb was unable to submit the isochronous transfer request for video streaming: libusb_submit_transfer would return -99, which was the result of a kIOUSBNotSent1Err error in the OSX libusb module. libusb was updated to work around that issue in 2010, but there hasn't been a release since then; the version in might do better. I think this is relevant: . The "unable to read from it" might be related, although that's an error with an interrupt transfer, not an isochronous transfer. I don't think I ever got an internal camera to work on a Mac; I believe the OS was claiming it, and libusb wasn't able to take it over, even after I moved a few .kext files out of the way. The cameras do work with libuvc under Linux; the ones I tried were definitely almost-correct UVC. - Ken