Thanks for the announcement. I have added unizar-rt-wmp-ros-pkg to the indexer. cheers, Ken On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:32 AM, Danilo Tardioli wrote: > Hello ROS users, > > I am announcing the release of ros_rt_wmp. > > The ros_rt_wmp is a ROS node capable of replicating whatever ROS topic or > service in another computer wirelessly connected with the source without the > need of sharing the same roscore. > > As an example consider a team of robots building cooperatively a map. The > robots have to exchange their laser and pose information. However if the > network that connect the robots is not completely connected and they can't > use an infrastructure network (an outdoor chain network for example) there > is no way to share data among robots using the ROS. > > The ros_rt_wmp allows to distribute/decentralize a complex robotics system > in multiple computation units in a transparent form: the only requisite is > to know which data from other robots we need in each one of them. > > You can found the source code > at > while the documentation > at where  a step by > step tutorial is also available. > > The package is young (it is probable you'll fing bugs) but it seems to work > quite well. > > Best regards, >  Danilo > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Grupo de Robótica, Percepción y Tiempo Real > Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A) > Centro Universitario de la Defensa > Zaragoza, Spain > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >