I guess the remaining questions should, as suggested. really better be talked about in person, with a few examples handy. However, I made a mistake in my last e-mail, that I just wanted to correct here. On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Herman Bruyninckx wrote: >> For me, a behavior is the combination of several tasks to achive a >> goal. > > Ok, I see. Not my semantics, really, but mine is biased by a history in > control theory and dynamical systems, and less in "AI" :-) In fact, I was not so much AI inspired, but just plain wrong ;-) My definition above is that for a "plan", not for a behavior. A behavior is certainly much closer to your definition, in AI, too. That said. it captured what I care about with tools such as SMACH: Executing plans, that is, a (often hierarchical, sometimes cyclic) sequence of steps towards a goal. In my case, most of the plans are not actually generated at runtime by a planner, but pre-specified, but nevertheless. The term "sequencer", which was mentioned by Alex, is not the one I usually use, but it captures it quite well. Part of the work of a sequencer may entail coordination, but its really not the same, and maybe a sequencer should not also be a coordinator, I can't really tell right now. Lets just leave it at that, I guess ;-) cheers, -- Ingo Lütkebohle Bielefeld University http://www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/~iluetkeb/ PGP Fingerprint 3187 4DEC 47E6 1B1E 6F4F  57D4 CD90 C164 34AD CE5B