On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Joe Romano wrote: > Hi All - > I have a patch I'd like to submit (attached) to the planning_environment > package of the arm_navigation stack. > > Description below: > ------------------- > > It seems that no one bothered to copy over the normal and depth information > of contact to the ROS collision message. ODE is already calculating this, so > it is essentially free information being ignored. This seems especially > important since the contact message already has normal and depth fields. > These fields are not currently being set, and all result to 0. > > ------------------- > > Hope that is useful. Perhaps I have missed something and this is being > purposefully ignored. Feel free to respond if this is unclear. Thanks for contributing to ROS development, Joe. The best way to get maintainers' attention is to open a Trac enhancement or defect ticket for the specific component with your patch attached. E-mail messages are easy for busy people to overlook. --  joq