On 29.02.2012 16:33, Piyush wrote: > The list of mirrors is here: > http://devel.iri.upc.edu/docs/roswiki/Mirrors.html > > A couple of things > 1) I think someone has mentioned this before, but there needs to be a > better way to find these mirrors. The Freiburg still comes up prety > high on a google search for "ros mirrors". > 2) I tried navigating my own mirror, and it's not particularly easy > to > find something. Are there any scripts out there that will map moin > style URLs to the html version in the dump? I suspect it would be > easy > to write one though, and only replacing the domain should be > required. > > Any thoughts? I copied the mirror site links here: http://sluggish.dyndns.org/wiki/ROS_mirrors