Good night, my colleague Lawrie Griffiths and me, Juan Antonio Breņa Moral, are developing a new software to bind a Lego Mindstorms NXT with ROS using the Open Source Project, LeJOS, A Java Virtual Machine for Lego Mindstorms. LeJOS has a rich API based on Java to build Robots with NXT: This development is an alternative for the current support for NXT with ROS. The main difference between nxt_ros and nxt_lejos is the technology used to connect with a NXT brick. In this case we use LeJOS with ROSJava working together. Besides, we are testing other projects as JavaCV. Our ROS development is located in the following URL: Our preliminar roadmap is: SLAM/MCL with Kinect and NXT A new vision API for NXT Cheers Juan Antonio & Lawrie