Extending urdf with semantics has been discussed here as well: http://ros.org/wiki/srdf/review I am not sure whether such contact points could be rethought as end effectors in the srdf format. > Hello, > here is another proposal to enhance humanoids robots support in ROS. > > When dealing with legged robots, one very important information is the > list of valid contact zones, i.e. the zones which can safely support the > robot. > Information about soles are also required to generate walking > trajectories. > An example of this would be > http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/46/41/25/PDF/paper.pdf. > > I suggest adding to the element of URDF an optional node > called "contact" which structure is very close to the geometry and > collision elements. > > The attached document specify how this could be implemented. > > If you feel like this should be a REP, I can adapt this draft document > to the REP format. > > If this new node is accepted, I can provide a set of patches for the > urdf, urdf_interface > and urdf_parser packages. > > Best, > -- > Thomas Moulard > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >