Hello folks, I am trying to get the Fuerte release working on my machine and having some trouble with generated ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. The problem is that all entries in the path are not prefixed with the path where all my packages are installed. Here is the output of "echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH" right after running rosinstall and executing "source ~/ros-f/setup.bash": /opt/ros/fuerte/share:release:stacks/ros_release:jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common:jsk-ros-pkg/openrave_planning:stacks/camera_drivers_experimental:foote-ros-pkg/phidgets/phidgetspp_c_api:stacks/dynamixel_motor:stacks/erratic_robot:ua-ros-pkg:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks:/opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros I used the following rosinstall file: http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/config/fuerte-deb.rosinstall with this command: rosinstall ~/ros-f/ http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/config/fuerte-deb.rosinstall so I would expect all entries in my path to be prefixed with the expansion of ~/ros-f instead of just taking the local-path element from the rosinstall file and dumping it into the path variable. Environment: Ubuntu 10.04 rosinstall version 0.6.2 (updated today) updated Fuerte debs Am I doing it wrong? Thanks, Anton