Dear ROS users, I am happy to announce our new public repository for ROS software developed and/or maintained by the Systems, Robotics, and Vision Group of the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain. You can find the top-level rosinstall file here: Please add that to the indexer. The first stack we would like to share with the community is srv_vision which contains a ROS package for libviso2, a library for visual odometry (mono and stereo) developed by Andreas Geier from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. You can find the package here (or install it using the rosinstall file above): We are currently participating in two EU-funded projects (aerial & underwater robotics) , both using ROS. We expect to release more of our software in the near future and are looking forward to your feedback. Best regards, Stephan Wirth -- Stephan Wirth Systems, Robotics and Vision Group Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of the Balearic Islands