On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 03:07 +0000, Edwards, Shaun M. wrote: ... > Is anybody open to this idea? Is this a good idea? Has anybody else > seen/expressed this need? Is ROS at the point where this makes sense? > What do you think? We are shipping ROS on DVDs and have been working through parts of this problem space. So overall I think this is a good idea, but I think it might be a little early to start working on an enterprise long-term-support version of ROS. I think a good first step is to focus on the hardware drivers. This works through many of the issues and breaks the problems down into small enough pieces that they become tractable. A hardware certification program would be helpful for manufacturers and customers to ensure that the hardware they buy can work with ROS and will also help build awareness of ROS. It also encourages manufacturers to become involved and dedicate resources to maintaining ROS drivers for their hardware. I believe that the following three tier certification program would serve both commercial and research interests while being opensource compatible. As a side note, each of these would need some sort of logo that manufacturers can put on their site. * 'Designed for ROS' - A self certification that the product should work with the current version of ROS. * 'ROS Compatible' - A self certification that the product is capable of running a community maintained compatibility test and provides a minimum set of features. This ensures the messages are correctly produced so that the device is compatible with algorithms that depends on those topics, services, etc. * 'ROS Certified' - A third party certification that ensures the above and that the device can operate in a safe and stable way with some quantifiable measure of reliability. This may be a good place for a ROS foundation to focus on. The foundation could charge to test closed source hardware and offer free testing for popular opensource hardware. If we start with certifying hardware this will lay the groundwork towards certifying algorithms and I think the process of developing a stable enterprise version of ROS will become much easier. One other area that may be a good place to apply effort is to develop benchmarks to measure the performance of a given hardware configuration. This will help troubleshoot practical issues. For example, where a camera might have a higher frame rate plugged into one USB port than another. The end result of this could be some sort of ROSMark score that could be used to determine which laptops provide the best performance for ROS. This could also be useful for a mapping algorithm to specify a minimum suggested score for realtime performance. As for this, we have the beginnings of a rough pluginlib benchmark framework and would be interested in collaborating to make this generally useful. https://github.com/IHeartRobotics/iheart-ros-pkg/tree/master/ihe_benchmark -- Bill Morris I Heart Engineering http://www.iheartengineering.com <3